3 個推銷方法:穩勝第一輪面試

我試過有一次面試,雖然在後來的面試中失敗了,可是 HR 對我留下了一個極好的印象。


在跟 HR 的第一輪面試中,我使用了 3 個推銷方法:

1. Elevator Pitch

2. Professional Pitch (過去,現在,未來)

3. Passionate Pitch




自從使用了推銷方法去面對首輪面試後,我發現我比以前更有自信,也發現效果不錯,普遍上都會感受到 HR 對我有一個良好的印象。



以前我試過了一口氣用超過 5 分鐘回答這個問題,由我第一份工作開始講,連續講了幾份工作的責任(那時候我已經有幾份工作經驗),結果在我講完之後,對方傻眼了,並回覆一句:”That’s a lot to take” 😂。(雖然最後對方是有出 Offer。)


兩分鐘便足夠了,而在這兩分鐘內,我會分別用 Elevator Pitch 和 Professional Pitch 去介紹自己

Elevator Pitch 負責上半部的答案,Professional Pitch 負責下半部的答案。

1. 如何準備 Elevator Pitch?

在面試前,便需要去客制化你的 Elevator Pitch,我有一個超高效的方法:

4 個簡單步驟建立高效的 Elevator Pitch:

  1. 先對 ChatGPT 作簡介,說明你將要做以下的事:

  2. 將 Job Description 發給 ChatGPT

  3. 將自己的 CV 上傳到 ChatGPT

  4. 讓 ChatGPT 按照 Job Description 和 自己的CV 替你生成一個 Elevator Pitch,並使用下面的模板

Elevator Pitch Template:

I'm [Your name], I'm a [What type of designer they need, a end-to-end designer, a senior designer?]. Over the past [Years of working experience], I've [what contributions you have and how's that's relevant to the job?]

另一例子:我自己則會習慣在 Elevator Pitch 中加入少許 personal touch

有時候,當我覺得某次面試需要突顯 2-3 個必須具備的能力,我便會修改一下模板,或自己直接修改最後產出的 pitch statement。

Elevator Pitch (Another Template):

I'm [Your name], I'm a [What type of designer they need, a end-to-end designer, a senior designer?]. Over the past [Years of working experience], I’ve focused on 3 things:I've [Which 2-3 contributions do you have that match the job requirements?]

Another Template 的好處:因為一開始你已經逐一提及過往的具體貢獻,而且是跟工作需求有高度相關性,這就通常能夠引起對方的關注,之後對方便會對你的經驗有興趣,向你提出相關問題作深入了解



如果我是剛畢業,那也可以用這 Elevator Pitch 模板嗎?


"I'm [Your Name], a recent graduate and a [UX Designer/Product Designer, etc.]. Over the past few months, I’ve built a solid foundation in [mention 2-3 relevant skills like user research, interaction design, or prototyping] through my studies and project work.

I’m passionate about
creating intuitive user experiences and applying design thinking to solve real-world problems. I'm eager to bring my skills in [list relevant areas again] to a professional team and continue developing my expertise in a collaborative environment.”


"I'm Kogi Ko, a recent graduate and a UX Designer. Over the past few months, I’ve built a strong foundation in user research, interaction design, and prototyping through my studies and various design projects.

I’m passionate about
crafting intuitive user experiences and using design thinking to address real-world challenges. I'm excited to bring my skills in user-centered design and problem-solving to a professional team, where I can continue growing and making an impact.”

在短短的 30 秒內,便已經用一個簡而精的描述去介紹自己。可是在完成了 Elevator Pitch 之後,這其實還沒有完成回答『介紹一下你自己』這個問題,接著便需要進行下一個推銷:Professional Pitch

2. 如何準備 Professional Pitch?

在回答『介紹一下你自己』的下半部,我便使用『現在』和 『過去』的結構:



"I’m currently a Senior UX Designer at XYZ Corp, where I’ve led design projects that optimized user flows and interfaces, making it easier for users to complete tasks. As a result, our user engagement increased by 50% over the past year."

過去: 總結你過去的工作經歷和與申請職位相關的經驗,著重於與職位直接相關的技能或成就。

"Before this, I worked as a UX Designer at ABC Inc., where I improved product experiences and boosted user interaction, leading to a 30% increase in user retention.”

如果我是剛畢業,那也可以用這 Professional Pitch 的方法嗎?



"I actively pursue continuous learning through LinkedIn and Twitter, connecting with over 10 mentors to enhance my design skills. Additionally, I practice UI design weekly to consistently improve my UI skills.”


"Before this, I partnered with 3 other UX designers in a bootcamp, where I learned to collaborate with other designers and participated in the entire process from user research to prototyping.

This experience allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world cases and ensure that the designs met real user needs.”

整體來說,以上的回答只需花 2 分鐘,可是已經能夠充分表現到:

  1. 說明了你的工作經驗和技能,且和招聘職位具極高相關度

  2. 證明了你現在和過去的影響力和貢獻


UX 設計師:

"That’s a brief overview of my recent work experience. Feel free to ask if you'd like to go into more detail on any part."


"That’s a quick overview of my recent learning and project experiences. If there’s anything you’d like to dive deeper into, just let me know."

等等,之前不是有提過 Professional Pitch 會包括『未來』嗎?



當這問題出現時,就是用 Professional Pitch 中的『未來』一部份。

在回答這問題前,需要考慮以下 3 點原則:

  1. 展示職涯發展如何跟職位需求匹配:仔細了解職位和職責以及工作描述,然後展現出這個職位正是你職業生涯中的下一步。這不僅展現了你對個人成長的興趣,還顯示出你願意為組織的成功作出貢獻。

  2. 明確你的目標:清楚地定義你在職業生涯中想達成的成就。避免使用「我想成長」這樣模糊的說法,具體說明你希望追求的角色、技能或經驗。

  3. 表達熱情:展現對這個機會的真正興奮感,以及它如何符合你的職業發展路徑。熱情是具有感染力的,能在面試官心中留下積極的印象。

UX 設計師:

"In my next role, I hope to engage deeply in the entire UX design process, from user research to high-fidelity prototyping. The responsibilities of this position align closely with my current design skills and user research experience, while also providing an opportunity to further develop my data analysis and design strategy abilities.

I’m passionate about creating products that truly meet user needs, and I look forward to contributing my expertise in an innovative and challenging environment."

UX 畢業生:

"In my next role, I hope to apply my knowledge of user research and interface design from school to real-world design projects, especially in a team collaboration context.

The requirements of this position are closely aligned with my skill set and background, and it will allow me to gain cross-functional collaboration experience while learning practical techniques from senior designers. For me, working in this environment is an ideal next step in my career development.”

最後,就是在整個面試中表達你對該公司和職位的熱情:Passionate Pitch。

3. 如何準備 Passionate Pitch?


以下是一些參考的 5 方法:

1. 展示對公司的了解與共鳴


"I'm particularly drawn to this position at Innovatech because of your commitment to sustainability in the tech sector. I truly admire how you integrate eco-friendly practices into your product development, and I'm eager to contribute my skills to help advance these initiatives."

2. 表達與公司使命的一致性


"I’m really inspired by your mission, [insert company mission]. I'd love to be part of a team that's making such a positive impact on society."

3. 分享過去經歷以展示你的熱情


"I remember working on a similar project where I [describe what you did and why it was exciting]. That experience solidified my passion for [related field]."

4. 提出與職位相關的深入問題


"Could you tell me more about the team's approach to [specific project or method]? I'm eager to bring my [relevant skills] to a team like this."

5. 用積極的肢體語言和活力來表達




3 個關鍵推銷方法

1.用 Elevator Pitch 和 Professional Pitch(現在,過去) 回答『介紹一下你自己』這個問題

  • 避免過長的回答,兩分鐘便可。

  • Professional Pitch 準備要點:

    • 使用「現在」和「過去」的結構,去表達你的經驗。

    • 對於剛畢業的求職者,重點在於持續學習的能力和相關項目經驗。

2. 使用 Professional Pitch (未來)回答『你想在下一個職位中追求什麼?』這個問題

  • 展示職涯與職位匹配:說明這是你職涯的下一步,並表達對公司貢獻的意願。

  • 明確目標:具體說明你追求的角色和技能,避免模糊表述。

  • 表達熱情:讓面試官感受到你對此機會的熱情。

3. 使用 Passionate Pitch 於整個面試過程

  • 展示對公司的了解:提到讓你共鳴的具體部分,並解釋為何這讓你感到興奮。

  • 與公司使命保持一致:強調共同的價值觀或目標。

  • 分享相關的故事:用過去的經驗來展示你的熱情。

  • 提出深入的問題:展示你對職位、專案或團隊的好奇心。

  • 用積極的肢體語言:保持眼神接觸,微笑,並用熱情的手勢來傳達你的興奮之情。






Figma AI 初步試用後分析(1/2)


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